
Function template collate



// In header: <boost/text/rope_view.hpp>

template<nf Normalization1, typename Char1, typename String1, 
         nf Normalization2, typename Char2, typename String2> 
  int collate(basic_rope_view< Normalization1, Char1, String1 > const & str1, 
              basic_rope_view< Normalization2, Char2, String2 > const & str2, 
              collation_table const & table, 
              collation_flags flags = collation_flags::none);


Creates sort keys for str1 and str2, then returns the result of calling compare() on the keys. Any optional settings flags will be honored, so long as they do not conflict with the settings on the given table.

[Note] Note

The contents of each basic_rope_view will be normalized into temporary storage before collation if it is not normalized NFD or FCC; this is required by the Unicode collation algorithm.
