
Function template collation_search



// In header: <boost/text/collation_search.hpp>

template<code_point_range R, searcher< I, S > Searcher> 
  unspecified collation_search(R && r, Searcher const & search);


Returns the code point subrange within r in which searcher finds its pattern. If the pattern is not found, the resulting range will be empty. Returns a collation_search_result; in C++20 and later, if std::ranges::borrowed_range<R> is false, this function returns a std::ranges::dangling instead.

Returns the grapheme subrange within r in which searcher finds its pattern. If the pattern is not found, the resulting range will be empty. Returns a grapheme_view; in C++20 and later, if std::ranges::borrowed_range<R> is false, this function returns a std::ranges::dangling instead.
