
Function template lines



// In header: <boost/text/line_break.hpp>

template<code_point_iter I, std::sentinel_for< I > S, typename Extent, 
         line_break_cp_extent_func< I, Extent > ExtentFunc> 
  unspecified lines(I first, S last, Extent max_extent, 
                    ExtentFunc && cp_extent, 
                    bool break_overlong_lines = true);


Returns a view of the code point ranges in [first, last) delimiting lines. A line that does not end in a hard break will end in a allowed break that does not exceed max_extent, using the code point extents derived from ExtentFunc. When a line has no allowed breaks before it would exceed max_extent, it will be broken only if break_overlong_lines is true. If break_overlong_lines is false, such an unbreakable line will exceed max_extent.
