
Function template word



// In header: <boost/text/word_break.hpp>

template<code_point_range R, word_prop_func WordPropFunc = word_prop_callable, 
         word_break_func WordBreakFunc = untailored_word_break> 
  unspecified word(R && r, std::ranges::iterator_t< R > it, 
                   WordPropFunc const & word_prop = WordPropFunc{}, 
                   WordBreakFunc const & word_break = WordBreakFunc{});


Returns the bounds of the word that it lies within. Returns a utf32_view; in C++20 and later, if std::ranges::borrowed_range<R> is false, this function returns a std::ranges::dangling instead.

See the Text Segmentation section of the tutorial for WordPropFunc semantics.

Returns grapheme range delimiting the bounds of the word that it lies within. Returns a grapheme_view; in C++20 and later, if std::ranges::borrowed_range<R> is false, this function returns a std::ranges::dangling instead.

See the Text Segmentation section of the tutorial for WordPropFunc semantics.
