
Writing Your Own Parsers

You should probably never need to write your own low-level parser. You have primitives like char_ from which to build up the parsers that you need. It is unlikely that you're going to need to do things on a lower level than a single character.

However. Some people are obsessed with writing everything for themselves. We call them C++ programmers. This section is for them. However, this section is not an in-depth tutorial. It is a basic orientation to get you familiar enough with all the moving parts of writing a parser that you can then learn by reading the Boost.Parser code.

Each parser must provide two overloads of a function call(). One overload parses, producing an attribute (which may be the special no-attribute type detail::nope). The other one parses, filling in a given attribute. The type of the given attribute is a template parameter, so it can take any type that you can form a reference to.

Let's take a look at a Boost.Parser parser, opt_parser. This is the parser produced by use of operator-. First, here is the beginning of its definition.

template<typename Parser>
struct opt_parser

The end of its definition is:

    Parser parser_;

As you can see, opt_parser's only data member is the parser it adapts, parser_. Here is its attribute-generating overload to call().

    typename Iter,
    typename Sentinel,
    typename Context,
    typename SkipParser>
auto call(
    Iter & first,
    Sentinel last,
    Context const & context,
    SkipParser const & skip,
    detail::flags flags,
    bool & success) const
    using attr_t = decltype(
        first, last, context, skip, flags, success));
    detail::optional_of<attr_t> retval;
    call(first, last, context, skip, flags, success, retval);
    return retval;

First, let's look at the template and function parameters.

Now the body of the function. Notice that it just dispatches to the other call() overload. This is really common, since both overloads need to to the same parsing; only the attribute may differ. The first line of the body defines attr_t, the default attribute type of our wrapped parser parser_. It does this by getting the decltype() of a use of (This is the logic represented by ATTR() in the rest of the documentation.) Since opt_parser represents an optional value, the natural type for its attribute is std::optional<ATTR(parser)>. However, this does not work for all cases. In particular, it does not work for the "no-attribute" type detail::nope, nor for std::optional<T>ATTR(--p) is just ATTR(-p). So, the second line uses an alias that takes care of those details, detail::optional_of<>. The third line just calls the other overload of call(), passing retval as the out-param. Finally, retval is returned on the last line.

Now, on to the other overload.

    typename Iter,
    typename Sentinel,
    typename Context,
    typename SkipParser,
    typename Attribute>
void call(
    Iter & first,
    Sentinel last,
    Context const & context,
    SkipParser const & skip,
    detail::flags flags,
    bool & success,
    Attribute & retval) const
    [[maybe_unused]] auto _ = detail::scoped_trace(
        *this, first, last, context, flags, retval);

    detail::skip(first, last, skip, flags);

    if (!detail::gen_attrs(flags)) {, last, context, skip, flags, success);
        success = true;
    }, last, context, skip, flags, success, retval);
    success = true;

The template and function parameters here are identical to the ones from the other overload, except that we have Attribute & retval, our out-param.

Let's look at the implementation a bit at a time.

[[maybe_unused]] auto _ = detail::scoped_trace(
    *this, first, last, context, flags, retval);

This defines a RAII trace object that will produce the verbose trace requested by the user if they passed boost::parser::trace::on to the top-level parse. It only has effect if detail::enable_trace(flags) is true. If trace is enabled, it will show the state of the parse at the point at which it is defined, and then again when it goes out of scope.

[Important] Important

For the tracing code to work, you must define an overload of detail::print_parser for your new parser type/template. See <boost/parser/detail/printing.hpp> for examples.

detail::skip(first, last, skip, flags);

This one is pretty simple; it just applies the skip parser. opt_parser only has one subparser, but if it had more than one, or if it had one that it applied more than once, it would need to repeat this line using skip between every pair of uses of any subparser.

if (!detail::gen_attrs(flags)) {, last, context, skip, flags, success);
    success = true;

This path accounts for the case where we don't want to generate attributes at all, perhaps because this parser sits inside an omit[] directive., last, context, skip, flags, success, retval);
success = true;

This is the other, typical, path. Here, we do want to generate attributes, and so we do the same call to, except that we also pass retval.

Note that we set success to true after the call to in both code paths. Since opt_parser is zero-or-one, if the subparser fails, opt_parse still succeeds.

When to make a new parse context

Sometimes, you need to change something about the parse context before calling a subparser. For instance, rule_parser sets up the value, locals, etc., that are available for that rule. action_parser adds the generated attribute to the context (available as _attr(ctx)). Contexts are immutable in Boost.Parser. To "modify" one for a subparser, you create a new one with the appropriate call to detail::make_context().


Sometimes a parser needs to operate on an out-param that is not exactly the same as its default attribute, but that is compatible in some way. To do this, it's often useful for the parser to call itself, but with slightly different parameters. detail::apply_parser() helps with this. See the out-param overload of repeat_parser::call() for an example. Note that since this creates a new scope for the ersatz parser, the scoped_trace object needs to know whether we're inside detail::apply_parser or not.

That's a lot, I know. Again, this section is not meant to be an in-depth tutorial. You know enough now that the parsers in parser.hpp are at least readable.
