
Function template collation_search



// In header: <boost/text/collation_search.hpp>

template<code_point_iter I1, std::sentinel_for< I1 > S1, code_point_iter I2, 
         std::sentinel_for< I2 > S2, searcher_break_func BreakFunc> 
  collation_search_result< I1 > 
  collation_search(I1 first, S1 last, I2 pattern_first, S2 pattern_last, 
                   BreakFunc break_fn, collation_table const & table, 
                   collation_flags flags = collation_flags::none);


Returns a code point range indicating the first occurrence of the subsequence [pattern_first, pattern_last) in the range [first, last), or an empty range if no such occurrence is found. Any occurence of the pattern must be found starting at and ending at a boundary found by break_fn (e.g. a grapheme or word boundary). This function uses the same simple brute-force matching approach as std::search().
