
Function template collation_search



// In header: <boost/text/collation_search.hpp>

template<code_point_range R1, code_point_range R2, 
         searcher_break_func BreakFunc> 
  unspecified collation_search(R1 && str, R2 && pattern, BreakFunc break_fn, 
                               collation_table const & table, 
                               collation_flags flags = collation_flags::none);


Returns a code point range indicating the first occurrence of pattern in str, or an empty range if no such occurrence is found. Any occurence of the pattern must be found starting at and ending at a boundary found by break_fn (e.g. a grapheme or word boundary). This function uses the same simple brute-force matching approach as std::search(). Returns a collation_search_result; in C++20 and later, if std::ranges::borrowed_range<R1> is false, this function returns a std::ranges::dangling instead.

Returns a grapheme range indicating the first occurrence of pattern in str, or an empty range if no such occurrence is found. Any occurence of the pattern must be found starting at and ending at a boundary found by break_fn (e.g. a grapheme or word boundary). This function uses the same simple brute-force matching approach as std::search(). Returns a grapheme_view; in C++20 and later, if std::ranges::borrowed_range<R1> is false, this function returns a std::ranges::dangling instead.
