
A Bit About Ropes

In general, a Rope is a heavyweight string; whereas a string is a simple array of contiguous storage, a Rope is much more complicated and is typically a tree whose leaves are contiguous strings.

Boost.Text has three rope types: segmented_vector, unencoded_rope, and rope. segmented_vector is not a proper rope, in that it is intended for non-character element types. rope is part of the Boost.Text's text layer, and so deals with Unicode quite a bit. To keep things simple, the discussion below sticks to unencoded_rope. Everything described there applies to segmented_vector and rope too, of course.

The user's view of Boost.Text's unencoded_rope is that it is a string that is inexpensive to insert into at any point -- even the middle or front -- no matter how large it is. In addition, substrings within the unencoded_rope have copy-on-write semantics. This means that often a copy of a very large unencoded_rope is nearly free, and that a mutated copy of an unencoded_rope often shares much of its data with the unencoded_rope from which it was copied.

unencoded_rope's implementation uses a tree structure similar to a B-tree, and each subtree is copy-on-write. The tree consists of interior nodes that contain structural information, and leaf nodes which contain the data. unencoded_rope only contains a single pointer to a root node. Here is one of the simplest nonempty unencoded_ropes you can have:

This unencoded_rope is just a single leaf node, containing the super-useful string "text". In this case, the leaf was a std::string node, labeled here with s. There can also be nodes that are references to std::string nodes, labeled as ref. More on that in a bit.

If we copy the unencoded_rope above, we get something like this:

No copying was done, nor allocations performed. Copying an entire tree only requires copying a pointer and incrementing a reference count. The string in this std::string leaf is only four elements, but let's suppose it was megabytes instead. Inserting even a small sequence near the beginning of the string would be costly, since we'd have to copy all the elements after the insertion point. And since the std::string leaf may be shared, we would have to copy everything before the insertion, too! For large std::string leaves, insertions into them result in something like this:

[Note] Note

This is not what actually happens to small std::string leaves with a reference count of 1! Those are mutated in place.

Here, we see that we've made two new reference nodes, each of which refers to part of the original std::string, and we've put the inserted string in between, forming "text text", the best string.

And now we see our first interior node. Each interior node has a key and a pointer for each child, and a fixed maximum number of children. Each key Ki is the cumulative size of all children in the range [0, i].

To make the images smaller, each interior node in these diagrams has a maximum of four children (the actual number is an implementation detail, but it's a lot higher).

Now let's take a look at a more complicated unencoded_rope:

In this tree, we have three interior nodes: the root and its two children. We also have at least one of each type of leaf node.

Copying even this unencoded_rope is very cheap, requiring only copying a pointer and incriminating a reference count:

Let's say we wanted to erase part of this unencoded_rope. We'll erase a substring that matches a whole leaf exactly, to keep things simpler. Let's erase the ref node on the left:

Simple, right? In this case, we did the erasure by creating a copy of each node on the path from the root to the erased ref leaf, and just referring to all the other nodes that did not change. Again, most of the string data and even interior nodes are shared among the three ropes in the diagram. This same principle applies to insert(), erase(), and replace().

[Note] Note

We don't make new nodes every time we need to do an insert, erase, or other mutation. If the reference counts on the root-to-leaf path are all 1, we will mutate the tree in place.

Besides the segmented nature of unencoded_rope, there are some other properties you need to know about. An unencoded_rope as a whole is copy-on-write; it is also therefore thread-safe for reading and writing; it is not null-terminated.

Insertions, erasures, and indexing each happen in O(log_B(N)) time, where B is the branching factor (maximum number of children per interior node). As mentioned before, B is an implementation detail, and thus subject to change, but it is unlikely to be less than 16. That means very little pointer chasing is required to access an arbitrary element of an unencoded_rope, because its tree is very shallow.

In fact, with a branching factor of 16, the maximum depth of the tree is also 16, since the max_size() of the tree is PTRDIFF_MAX. This means that O(log_B(N)) time has a fixed upper bound, making it O(1)!

As mentioned previously, mutations to an unencoded_rope are done in-place if the mutations do not affect nodes that are shared with other unencoded_ropes.

If a mutation can be done in place, and the point of mutation falls within a std::string leaf, the std::string object is directly mutated if: the inserted string fits within the capacity() of the std::string, or

[Important] Important

One more thing. unencoded_ropes are meant to be passed by value. In particular, their thread-safety guarantees might not be fulfilled if they are not passed by value across thread boundaries. If you do not care about thread-safe use of unencoded_rope, you can pass unencoded_ropes by const & at thread boundaries if you like. If you care about thread-safety, always pass them by value at thread boundaries!

unencoded_rope contains logic like the pseudocode below to determine when to create a partial copy of an unencoded_rope's tree, or when to mutate the tree in-place when performing inserts or erases on an unencoded_rope:

path = find_path_from_root_to_mutation_point()
in_place = true
for (node : path)
    if (node.references() == 1)
        in_place = false

Let's call the unencoded_rope R, and the thread on which the operation is being performed T. Also, assume that all references to R's root node exist in copies of R, and no reference (C++ reference/pointer) to R or any of its copies exists.

With this assumption, we know at the end of the pseudocode for loop above, that there is still exactly one reference to each node in path. For this not to be true, we would need to either:

  1. Create a copy of one of the nodes on thread T. Clearly we cannot, since we're currently executing insert() or erase() instead.
  2. Create a copy of one of the nodes on a thread other than T. We can't do this either, since we have no reference to R that can be used by another thread, and we know that there are no other copies on any other threads either — since each node's reference count is 1.

Were we to write references/pointers to R into our code, a thread other than T could create a copy of R between when we read the reference count of one of its nodes, and when we decided to mutate R in place or not.

[Important] Important

Therefore, if you care about using unencoded_ropes in a thread-safe manner, always pass them by value across thread boundaries.

[Note] Note

A major use case for unencoded_ropes is for building undo/redo systems for text editing that are simple and performant. See the example in the segmented_vector documentation for details — just imagine unencoded_ropes instead of segmented_vector<int>s.
